A coalition to defend #ourNHS

Advertise your support

If your trade union, Labour Party or campaigning organisation supports Health Campaigns Together and its objectives, why not take out a full page advert in our print and online newspaper for £500, a half page for £260, a quarter page for £150 or a 1/8 page for £75?

You can use the space as you wish to raise the profile of your organisation, and feature the local or wider issues your organisation supports, with text, logo or photos or graphics of your choice: you could send us your artwork, or we could design it to your requirements.

To book an advert, please supply these details to healthemergency@gmail.com:

    Contact email and telephone


    Size of advert £500/£260/£150/£75

    Will you supply • artwork or • copy and graphics
It’s best for us if you can make direct payments online to our Coop Bank account:
Sort Code 08-92-99, Account Number 65797921.

If you are unable to make payments online, cheques are welcome. Please make out to Health Campaigns Together, and send c/o 28 Washbourne Rd, Leamington Spa CV31 2LD.

Copyright © 2024 Health Campaigns Together