A coalition to defend #ourNHS

Reclaim Social Care First AGM May 22 2021

The First Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Reclaim Social Care will be held on Saturday 22nd May 2021, for members only.

In preparation for the AGM Reclaim Social Care will be holding two meetings that will be open to members and delegates from affiliated organisations ONLY.

These meetings will be discussing the Vision and structure of the organisation that will be put to the AGM as follows:
  • Thursday 25th March 3pm - Vision
  • Thursday 22nd April 3pm - structure
If you are not already a member please complete the online form and pay the annual subscription (minimum £5). If you are a member of an organisation ask if they will affiliate (£10 to £50 for trade union branches, local campaigns etc). Affiliated organisations are entitled to 2 voting delegates.

If you would like the form sent to you in the body of an email, please contact me at reclaimsocialcare@gmail.com

If you have joined previously please make sure that you are up to date with your membership subscription, if you are a delegate from an affiliate organisation that the affiliation has been renewed and affiliated organisations have their delegate details up to date.

You can pay your subscription by making direct payments online to our Lloyds Bank account: Sort Code 30-90-99, Account Number 31442068, or you can pay through PayPal. Please email reclaimsocialcare@gmail.com if you have made an online payment.

For those unable to make payments online, cheques are very welcome. Please make out cheques to Reclaim Social Care and send to Reclaim Social Care c/o 11 Regina Drive, Leeds LS7 4LR.

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