A coalition to defend #ourNHS

Archive: Election material 2017 and 2019

In 2017 and 2019, Health Campaigns Together produced campaigning information and material.

8-page Election Special available to download here

We are building a #VoteNHS campaign for the 2019 General Election up and down the country to save our NHS and get rid of this Tory government - and we want you involved!

To read more about why we are campaigning for voters to vote against the Conservative Party in this election and to top up your knowledge of NHS issues, see our Where we stand: election statement and our article "Ten things every voter should know about the NHS".

'So you're thinking of voting Conservative 2019' Video

Check and share widely our #GE2019 campaign video:


What you can do

To turn the tables on this Conservative government, we need as many people as possible taking action by any means they can: canvassing, leafleting on the street, conversations with friends and family, social media, and more.

NHS Roadshow - get involved


To get involved, read through the different kinds of campaigning activity listed below, then fill out the Get Involved form here to let us know what you are willing to do. Remember you can also find your nearest local-level Keep Our NHS Public campaigning group at any time through our Local Groups page.

Download our Fact Sheet 1 and Fact Sheet 2, or order copies from us

One of the easiest thing you can do is give as generously as possible to our #NHSforAll Crowdfunding campaign!

Donate today!

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Resources from June Election 2017

June Election 2017

Join up with the NHS Roadshow

Dear NHS Volunteer,

Thank you for agreeing to take part in the 2017 General Election NHS Roadshow.

As Britain goes to the polls on 8th June, all of us as healthcare professionals and NHS campaigners have a public duty to hold the Government to account for its unacceptable record in the NHS.

By taking the facts to the public, we can make this General Election a vote on the National Health Service.

We have copied in other NHS staff and campaigners who have signed up to campaign in North London and are ready to work with you.

We would like you to:

  1. Organise a Roadshow event targeting your marginal seats.

    Marginal seats are where we are most likely to have an impact.
    We will help you launch this event.
    • We will send speakers and have equipped you with all of the resources you need to do this with a Roadshow pack attached.
    • Invite your local MPs, celebrities, hospital staff and most importantly local residents to discuss the NHS.
    • Speak to the local experienced campaign groups we have cc'd in for you to speak to. It may be they already have events planned.

    We want an election swing to be led by YOU.

    The most marginal regional seats near you are [example]:

    Hampstead & Kilburn

    Ilford North

    Enfield North

    If you would prefer to campaign in a different region, please let us know and we will link you up with that group.

  2. Attend and publicise our launch

    We will be launching the start of this Roadshow across the country **This coming Saturday 13th May in London, Croydon Central**, one of the most marginal swing seats in the country. This will signal the beginning of a 4 week countdown towards 8th June and the start of events across the country. Your event will be a key part of the Roadshow.

  3. Publish your Roadshow event

    This is a link to a map of events across the country so you can see what is happening where.

    When you have planned your event, add it to the map.
    Click on the search button, type in the location and press the "add marker" button.
    Make sure you put the date of the event in the description.

  4. Check out our social media and online links for updates on Roadshow activities

  5. The Roadshow pack will arm you with all you need to put on a high impact event. It contains:

    1. A PowerPoint presentation for you to deliver facts on current state of the NHS (simple and bullet points with speakers notes to act as a template for you to adapt and use as you like)
    2. Speakers notes to give guidance for presentation slides.
    3. Facts sheet about NHS - A5/A4 leaflets for you to print and hand out

    PRINTED copies of the (A5) Fact sheets and the (A4) Talking Points (FAQs) are available FREE of charge (postage costs only) - order ONLINE from keepournhspublic.com/shop

    You can also use the Health Campaigns Together Election Special tabloid newspaper: order here

  6. Posters to advertise your Roadshow event, with adaptable templates to write on event details.

  7. FAQs sheet to answer common questions on NHS eg on funding, demand, privatisation, health tourism etc

  8. Here is a link to a video to use and supplement #VoteNHS campaign

    and another

  9. #voteNHS Petition

    A petition to demand that your local MP and representatives pledge to sign up and support #ourNHS this election.

    You can download the petition with campaigners' briefing on it, and the petition itself.

    Printed copies of the A4 petition are available FREE of charge: order NOW online at healthcampaignstogether@gmail.com

  10. Badges / t-shirts / stickers can be sent to you by post on request for your event / canvassing.

This is not a party political campaign but is aimed to help you swing the vote away from the Tories in your area and encourage people to #VoteNHS. We don't mind you using this material locally however you wish but the team is not endorsing any particular party or candidate.

Please get in touch with each other and let us know how we can help.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Let's save #ourNHS.

Best wishes,
NHS Roadshow Team

Social media links

How to build local campaigns – materials and step by step advice from Sussex Defend Our NHS


Click on any image to download a high quality pdf file


Copyright © 2025 Health Campaigns Together